February did better than expected.
The traffic rose and so did the RPM.
Despite having fewer days, all sites (except one) did better than the last month.
February 2021 Highlights
I took it slow in February and didn’t publish much content. I also decided to travel to the hills (Uttrakhand) and work from there
Workation from the Hills
After being in a lockdown-like situation for 10 months, I decided to take a break and work from the hills (Uttrakhand).
While we still stayed indoors most of the time, we did go out for treks and long walks.
It was a great experience connecting with nature and not working as much as I usually do.
And the great thing about owning income-generating websites is that you can take a break without worrying about losing a lot of income. In fact, my February numbers were better than Jan.
Niche Sites Income in February 2021
- Site 1 (Home Improvement) – $ 2,125
- Site 2 (Home Improvement) – $ 3,044
- Site 3 (Pets) -$ 863
- Site 4 (Outdoor) – $ 272
- Site 5 (Tech) – $ 746
- Site 6 (Broad Multi-niches) – $ 0
- Site 7 (Home Improvement) – $ 251
If you’re interested in learning more about the sites, check out the first income report.
Some $$ screenshots:
Now let’s have a look at the expenses.
Expense in February 2021
- Kinsta: $ 200
- Manage WP: $ 12.6
- WordAgents: $ 1,083
- Reach Creator: $ 1,740
- Canva: $ 99
- Appsumo (AMZ Image): $ 49
Expenses related to some of the plugins/tools are paid yearly. I will add these whenever they come up for renewal.
What Am I Reading?
For February, our book club chose the book – Lost and Founder by Rand Fishkin.
It’s a book about startups and the challenges you may face when starting and growing a startup. If you’re in SEO, you may find it interesting, as it talks about the popular SEO tool company Moz.
All in all – a decent one-time read with some good takeaways.